Aerocom Malaysia > Products > Stations



Bottom Loading Station

The station is bottom loading and the carrier ejection from base gravity release. This station is very robust and particularly appropriate for high usage areas such as laboratories or central turnaround and despatch locations. Because this station can be installed with an external relief valve, pneumatic braking is especially quiet.

Multi-load Station

The Multi-Load Station is used most often for Pharmacy and Laboratory applications in congruence with the Rail station to accommodate high volume transfer traffic. The Multi-Load station can queue up to three carriers simultaneously while the Rail station receives continually.

Top Loading Station

Arrival from top or below. The Top Loading Station transports a stored carrier fully automatic to the desired destination. Carriers arrive gently on a cushion of air and are deposited in a sound proofed receptacle.

Slide Station

This station is basically used in the applications of Cash-Handling. As initial- or end station, tube approaching from top.

Auto Unloading Station

Auto unloading station ejects carriers by itself at destination and return the carrier back to home address automatically. Perfect for Laboratory solution.

Front Loading Station

Front loading station serves as through station come with built in carrier rack or separately.